WHERE: Collsuspina, Osona, Catalunya
CRAGSECTOR: Collsuspina
CRAGSECTOR: Collsuspina
WHO: Bernat Almirall, Marc Rollan, Genci and Bi Zaes
ROUTES:Coconuts 6c+
PHOTOS: Bernat, Marc, Max and Bi Zaes. Eric, Txema and Aleix.
SONG TRIP: Jaizkibel conversations.
Today I've done my first 6c+ (route) in a hard sector. Short lines, in a boulder stile.
My support team (Berni, Marc and Max) is partly to blame in the "done".
Marc, who has assured me and cleaned up the crimps, has been a great motivation.
Today I've done my first 6c+ (route) in a hard sector. Short lines, in a boulder stile.
My support team (Berni, Marc and Max) is partly to blame in the "done".
Marc, who has assured me and cleaned up the crimps, has been a great motivation.
A part from that, I've done "La placa" 6b+ on sight. For me much better because climb "on sight" is show myself what can I really do. It is not practise practise and practise, and at the end do that, after a lot of tries.... is do something the first time... so happy for both "dones"!!!
THANKS COCONUT TEAM!!! (tomorrow.... a beer!!)
Avui he encadenat el meu primer 6c+ de corda en un sector dur de vies bloqueres. El support team en té part de culpa d'aquest encadene. En Marc, qui m'ha assegurat i m'ha deixat les hueveretes i les regletes niquelades per a l'encadene, ha estat una gran motivació! (Bien!!)
Paral·lelament, he encadenat "La Placa" 6b+ a vista, per mi molt més gratificant. Quan encadenes al primer pegue realment et demostres a tu mateix el què ets capaç de fer. No és fotre-li pegues i més pegues a una cosa que finalment surt (claro... de memòria te la saps!)
MIL GRÀCIES COCONUT TEAM!!! (demà...birrita!!)
flipa con el blog !!!!!!!
ti gusta?? (en construcció...aviat.. orgàsmic!)
ReplyDeletesi ! mola !!!! per cert ja et tornare la guia !!!! apa salut! hi ha rebentar blocs , que ja m`ha dit un ocellet que estas que te sales!